Women's Festival 2024 is in the Works

Thank you, survey participants!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

WNPEI has wrapped up the survey of past Women’s Festivals attendees, performers, organizers, and other interested folks. We are extending a heartfelt thank-you to everyone who participated.

We received many responses and great ideas from the survey participants. The advisory committee and Women’s Network will enthusiastically work on putting the festival together over the winter months. The two-day event will happen at the end of May 2024.

The Women’s Festival was one of the most recognized, loved, and sometimes controversial projects of Women’s Network PEI. Each year it brought people together from across the Island and was a place to connect, learn, build community, and celebrate. We are honouring past festivals while marking 40 years since incorporating as an organization by reviving the festival in 2024.