Paid Sick Leave Legislation
Our call to government to support the proposed legislation
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
This legislation would support low-wage workers, often women, care workers, cashiers, cleaners, and servers. Access to paid sick days could lessen the economic burden faced by women, who are likely to be the ones to need time off work.
The following is a letter of support Women's Network PEI submitted to provincial MLA's on November 18, 2022
To Whom It May Concern,
We are writing in support of paid sick leave legislation. The current paid sick leave outlined in the Employment Standards Act is not sufficient for workers, especially low-wage earners. COVID-19 has enhanced the need for paid sick leave as many workers have been forced to take unpaid time to adhere to public health restrictions.
This legislation would support low-wage workers, often women, care workers, cashiers, cleaners, and servers. Access to paid sick days could lessen the economic burden faced by women, who are likely to be the ones to need time off work to care for sick children when they must stay home from school or daycare. According to the 2021 Census, there are 5,205 women on PEI who manage a one-parent household, paid sick leave would allow them to care for themselves or their children without the stress of losing income.
We call upon the government to enact this legislation to support Island workers' financial security and promote public health and safety.
Jillian Kilfoil
Executive Director
Women’s Network PEI